Learn neuroscience based tools to better understand yourself and embody an empowering mindsets
(and overcome the parts that keep de-railing you)

Silhouette of loving couple raise their hands with enjoy over orange sunset background

Their is a set of tools you can learn to enhance your own life, and guide other people into their potential too

Do you use enjoy learning new mindset tools to overcome inner blocks and step into your full potential?

Do you enjoy guiding other people through these tools into their own potential?

We all desire change and growth towards something more.

There is power in learning how to shift our focus and thoughts, to be able to create that change and growth.

What does effective, wise thinking look like though?

And letting go of old habitual ways of thinking and being can be tough.

Wanting to run our head differently doesn’t always work when we need it, and we never build momentum with our new behaviors.


What if there was a missing piece to personal transformation you've been missing

Many of us have invested time and energy, delving into positive thinking, searching for new ways to do what we do.

But when it comes creating tangible new behaviours,  it’s felt like it’s been a bit hit and miss, sometimes working, sometimes not.

I’m here to tell you it’s not you, there was just a missing BIT …….

Neuroscience and mBraining is helping us understand what that is (and what we can do about it)

It starts with stop fighting against your self, and start utilising the intelligence of head, heart and gut collaboratively


Self awareness and Transformation opens up when you start looking at the whole of the person, and not just their head!!!

Neuroscience confirming what ancient wisdom traditions have known for years........

There is more going on in your heart and gut than you realise .......

Research has shown our heart and gut have:

Large independent network of neurons

The ability to learn new information

Their own independent memory

Neurotransmitters are found in our heart and gut

Receive, process and adapt their responses

Researchers are saying that the heart and gut show intelligent processing and can be referred to as brains, just like the one in our head.


You have an intelligent heart, gut and head, that impact your day to day actions!!

Profound Insights that look at YOU more holistically

(and not just the thoughts in your head)

What becomes really profound is when you look past the individual research of the heart or the gut, and start exploring the head, heart, and gut brains as a holistic mind-body system.

This is what Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka did. 

They began exploring from a wide range of domains, from neuroscience, through to ancient wisdoms, wanting to work out what they do and how do we use our multiple brains more effectivley.

Patterns began to emerge……..

These patterns helped to understand what was happening when there was some inner resistance to change and what was happening when new change was easily embodied.


When trying to create change , did you know that ....................

  • Each brain (head, heart and gut) are concerned with different classes of information and each have their own unique style of processing.
  • Our brains have specialized functions and competencies, emphasizing the importance of using the correct brain for the correct function..
  • Based on their core functions, each brain communicates and responds differently to different styles of communication
  • How Leading with the heart often leads to greater results
  • Conflicts among the head, heart, and gut generate feelings of uncertainty and stagnation in life
  • The autonomic nervous system’s state (Stress vs. calm) significantly influences our multiple brains, shaping decisions and actions.
  • True transformation takes root at a gut level. 

Grant and Marvin bought these principles and techniques for harnessing the power of our multiple brains together, and created the field of mBraining!!

The field of mBraining was born to give you back control in your life and enhance your decisions and actions with greater wisdom!!

mBraining takes what you already know and opens up a new way of doing what you already do, with new levels of awareness and focus!

You’ve probably had times where you or your clients have tried to embody some sort of change, but something didn’t feel right in your heart or it didn’t sit well in your gut. This was these brains communicating important messages!!! 

mBraining noticed there were certain multiple brain patterns people were using when they were blocked in life…..

When people learnt to use their head, heart and gut collaboratively, an amazing transformation in peoples thoughts, feelings and actions emerged!!

Mbraining gives us a new lens on how to enhance our mind-body system!

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Through aligning your multiple brains, you can learn to:

Stop letting fear limit you

Release the past from interfering with your future

Overcome Self Doubt


Replace procrastination with courage

Trust yourself more

Create empowering flow states

Begin expressing your unique potential

Knowing where to focus next becomes easier when exploring your life through a multiple brains lens

The key steps to using your multiple brains for deep transformation

  • Mind - Body System Balance

    Bring your nervous system into a place of receptiveness to allow you to tune into the deeper messages of mind-body system

  • Multiple Brain Communication

    Attend to crucial messages from your head, heart and gut for deeper insights

  • Aligning the Multiple Brains

    Resolve any blocks that may be getting in the way, and facilitate alignment between the multiple brains

  • Integrating the Multiple Brains

    Move from just alignment, to integration, where the multiple brains collaborate and support each other

  • Optimising the Multiple Brains

    Active the Highest expression of you and your multiple brains through embodying more Compassion, Creativity and Courage

  • Emergent Wisdom and Insight

    As your Multiple Brains synchronise, fresh perspectives and insights emerge guiding your next step.

Want to learn the skills for head, heart and gut alignment for yourself and your clients?


Key tools and frameworks you can learn to facilitate deep transformation

5 classes of constraints our multiple brains get stuck in

9 Prime functions and talents of the head, heart, and gut

Key relationships and Principles for facilitating change

Overcome the 13 blocking patterns that prevent integration

mBraining Transformation Roadmap

Role of the nervous system in self regulation

Stengthen the messages to have deeper integration

mBraining Change Toolkit

Express the 3 wisdom virtues of your head, heart, and gut

4 day mBraining Coach Certification Training Program

Here is what is covered in the immersive 4 days

Day 1 - Foundations of mBraining

Get introduced to your multiple brains and learn the foundation

Day 2 - Attune your Skills

Practical day of exercises to begin to recognise how the head, heart and gut communicate

Day 3 - Overcoming blocks and Alignment

Recognise when a brain is creating a block and resolve it.

Day 4 - Optimising for greater wisdom in action

Go from alignment to integration and bring forth greater compassion, creativity and courage to the way forward

4 Day Program also includes

mBraining Book and Coaching Manual

Become part of an International community

mbraining coach

Official Certification as an mBIT Coach

Value of 4 Day program - $2499

3 Months post training support so you can really embody your mBraining skills

Meet your mBraining Guide

Josh Melano

Josh Melano

mBraining Trainer & Master Coach

Josh’s journey began when had a deep desire to create positive change in his life, however, he struggled to take action.  

Wanting to work smarter, not harder, he began looking to learn how do successful people do what they do. He discovered it had a lot to do with mindset, so he delved into personal development.

Although he was studying and applying a lot, it was not sticking like it was supposed to, and old habits and thoughts kept coming back.

Learning mBraining became a turning point for Josh.

Now, driven by the profound connection between self-awareness and neurology, his mission is to guide people in creating and living a life that resonates with their truest selves, sparking a vibrant sense of aliveness.

Register for the next mBraining Coach Certification Training

Pre Register for Training

Taking Action Special
$ 1997
4 day Immersive Training
mBraining book and manual
3 x Monthly Integration Workshops
3 x Monthly Practice Sessions
Breathwork for Transformation Online MasterClass
1 x Private Session with Trainer
Total Value - $3355
Best Value

Register within 2 weeks of Training

$ 2497
4 day Immersive Training
mBraining book and manual
3 x Monthly Integration Workshops
3 x Monthly Practice Sessions
Breathwork for Transformation Online MasterClass
1 x Private Session with Trainer
Total Value - $3355

Sorry, there are no current mBraining Coach Certifications planned, but you can register your interest and we'll notify you about our next one

If you are curious, and still have some questions about the program, then reach out and book some time with our trainer

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes!! There are scientific fields of Neuro-Cardiology that study the heart brain, and Neuro-Gastroenterology that study the gut brain. mBraining looks at the practical applications of these findings to the entire person. 

Absolutely not!! Grant Soosalu (Co-creator of mBraining) was the Neuro-Nerd who did all the research, so you don’t have to. His gift was putting the research into a pragmatic framework that anybody can learn and use.

Sure!! Book a call with the trainer using the link above and they will be more than happy to answer any questions.

To ensure you get the skills and knowledge to become an mBraining coach, we need to limit the number of people who attend, so as trainers we can support everyone.

In the event the training can not go ahead, you can either transfer your payment to the next training, or get a full refund

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